Titanfall 2 is a masterpiece, a sublime blend of speed, fury, and mech buddy feel-good vibes. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this, because when the stompy shooter first came out, it flew uncharacteristically under the radar for something involving giant robots. Now it’s getting a second chance on Steam.
While a dedicated community has kept Titanfall 2's head above water for the past several years—something that developer Respawn, which has since moved on to Apex Legends and Jedi: Fallen Order, hasn’t been so keen to do—an influx of Steam players recently reinvigorated its multiplayer scene. These players flocked to the game to see what all the fuss was about when it launched on Valve’s ubiquitous platform last month, and if reviews are any indication, they haven’t been disappointed. Steam users love Titanfall 2 for its tight campaign and blistering multiplayer, not to mention the passionate community surrounding it. They also love BT, because they are not, to my knowledge, heartless psychopaths.