You spot a man's tell, you don't say a fuckin' word. I finally spotted KGB's. And usually I'd've let him go on chewing those Oreos ‘til he was dead broke. But I don't have that kind of time.
• Reminder: Walmart's offering Kinect preorder bundles - get the device and a $30 gift card for $199.
• The Razer Imperator Gaming Mouse is $59.99 at NewEgg. Next best is $80 shipped. [Dealzon]
• A Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator for Xbox 360 is $17.89 shipped from GoGamer through Monday. Next best is $26 at Amazon and Newegg. [Dealzon]
• Get the PSP-3000 via Dell for $139.99. It's usually $169.99. [LogicBUY.]
• GameStop offers a Buy 2, Get 1 Free deal on used games with coupon B2G1FREE. Their homepage says the deal ends July 17, but coupon terms during checkout say it expires 11:59pm Sunday. [Dealzon]
• Aliens vs. Predator (Xbox 360) is $24.99 at Newegg [TechDealDigger]
• Get 15 percent off a three-month membership at GameFly videogame rental. [LogicBUY]
• Pre-order the upcoming Guitar Hero 6: Warriors of Rock Bundle (PS3, 360, Wii) and get a $10 eGift Card, all for $99.96 from Walmart. [LogicBUY]
Digital Distribution
This listing of the Top 25 digital download bargains, all for PC, come courtesy of Deals4Downloads. You can see links to these and more at their roundup.
On Steam
1. Ruse - Free Weekend Preview.
At the EA Store
2. Crysis is $14.97, save 50 percent.
3. Crysis Warhead is $9.97, save 50 percent.
4. The Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack is $19.99, save 33 percent.
5. Dragon Age: Origins is $29.95, save 25 percent.
6. Dragon Age: Origins Awakening is $29.95, save 25 percent
7. Mass Effect 2 is $28.50, save 29 percent.
On GamersGate
8. BioShock is $7.98, save 60 percent.
At GameStop
9. Paradox Weekend, save 50 percent on all Paradox titles.
On GamersGate
10. Silent Hunter: Battle Of The Atlantic is $24.98, save 50 percent.
11. Bioshock 2 is $20.96, save 30 percent.
On DLGamers
12. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat is $8.35, save 50 percent.
On Impulse
13. Need is Speed: Shift is $14.99, save 50 percent.
14. Need is Speed Undercover is $4.99, save 50 percent.
15. Need is Speed: Pro Street is $4.99, save 50 percent.
On GamersGate
16. Fantasy Wars is $2.48, save 75 percent.
On Direct2Drive
17. Imperium Romanum Gold is $9.95, save 50 percent.
18. Broken Sword - The Sleeping Dragon is $3.50, save 50 percent.
19. Tropico 3 is $14.95, save 50 percent.
20. King's Bounty: Gold Edition is $22.50, save 50 percent.
On GamersGate
21. Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come is $9.98, save 50 percent.
On Direct2Drive
22. Hollywood Pictures 2 is $4.95, save 50 percent.
On Impulse
23. Age of Booty is $4.99, save 50 percent.
24. TimeShift is $9.99, save 50 percent.
25. Gratuitous Space Battles Complete is $25.95, save 37 percent.
Kotaku thanks our coupon partners for providing these and other great deals. Be sure to bookmark and search their Kotaku hashtags (#techdealdigger, #dealzon, #logicbuy, #deals4downloads and #dealtaku) for updates throughout the week.
Further, to our friends across the pond, check the #ukdeals hashtag and be sure to flag any deals you might have with that.
As always, smart gamers can find values any day of the week, so if you've run across a deal, share it with us in the comments.