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The Amazing Cube

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The Amazing Cube | Minecraft-themed Rubik's Cube created for fun by Matt Boynton, a programmer for 5th Cell, the makers of Scribblenauts.

SoulCalibur V Takes a Beating From Game Reviewers

With the past couple of years dominated by Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat-style 2D fighters, it's nice to see the return of one of the big 3D fighting franchises. That is, unless you're a game reviewer. Then it's time to step into the critical ring. More »


Why Dubai Is the Perfect Video Game Playground

It's more than just the sand that makes Dubai the perfect setting for 2K Games' upcoming military shooter Spec Ops: The Line. Yes, the game's signature mechanic comes in the form of mounds of shifting granules that you can dump on top of enemies. But, in Dubai, the game developers get a locale tailor-made for the kind of action and story they want to present. More »


Going to Miss BlizzCon in 2012? Not as Much as This World of Warcraft Guild Will


Last month Blizzard announced that it's annual fan convention would be skipping a year, returning in 2012 so the developer can focus on things like developing games. Some fans took this well. The Elysiam World of Warcraft guild on the U.S. Shadowmoon server took to song. More »

Here's How Skyrim's Creation Kit Lets You Make Mod Magic

Bethesda previously announced the Skyrim Creation Kit, which will let PC users re-invent their hit RPG in unimagined ways. There's no release date yet for the toolset but the publisher's unveiled a new video that details the Creation Kit's functionality and intergration with Steam Workshop. Skyrim's going to get a lot more interesting very soon. More »


Puzzlejuice Blends Bejeweled, Tetris and Scrabble into an Addictive Treat


Peanut butter and chocolate. Trenchcoats and cyberpunk. Some great-tastes-that taste great-together are obvious. At first blush, the Tetris-and-Scrabble fusion that Puzzlejuice presents doesn't look like it's going to be appetizing at all. But, the indie iOS release winds up being one of the most delicious mash-ups ever. More »

Watch Humanity Take Its Next Leap Toward Real-Life Galaga


Nano quadrotors fly in formation in this great video from the GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. All we need is a spaceship that can shoot these things down and we're good to go. More »

Halo's Creators Pass the Baton to 343 Industries on March 31st


Bungie's not making Halo games anymore. That's not news. But they've still been administering the servers which hold all that precious multiplayer data. Y'know, the place where all your Forge maps and deathmatch stats live. However, the studio just announced that their stewardship of Halo data will end on March 31st, as the final part of a transition that's been happening since last summer. More »

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