The year is finally over. The games have all come out, and boy did we play them. Now, it's time to decide which one…
Are you surprised? I'm not surprised. I don't think anyone is surprised. Pokémon is one of the more popular…
On Monday, January 7, you will know what Kotaku's 2012 Game of the Year is. But before then, you're going to see us…
It's fun to discover a video game on your own, but every so often, you need a helping hand. We're here to be that…
Whether it's a quick save option, fast travel, the ability to skip cutscenes, or something totally random but…
Playing video games is a lot of fun. Kind of goes without saying, right? But talking about games is just as much…
Many people who went to film school will tell you that film school made them hate watching films. In a similar…
Zac Gorman's been doing video game-centric comics for Kotaku for the better part of a year now. He's riffed on…
Sure, 2012 was a year rife with disappointments. But it was also filled with surprises of the best sort. Since we…
When you look back on all that's happened in the gaming world—games released, scandals unveiled and surprises…
What's up, buttheads. It's me, Biff. Look, I know my sports betting advice this year didn't play out so well. Sorry…
I didn't notice how fairly quiet a year it's been for zombies until doing this round-up of all the flesh-eaters…
For years it slumbered in darkness, deep within the earth. An Old God, maybe even the First God, its hibernation…
Studios may close, servers may crash, projects may be canceled and bankruptcies filed, but these are the given in…
The Status Of Microsoft and Sony’s Next Consoles. Plus: A Whole Bunch Of This Year's Gaming Secrets.
No topic appeared in the rumor mill this year as much as the coming next-generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft.
Over the last few weeks, I've been making cinemagraphs celebrating just a handful of some of the most visually…
It's been a long year! Can you believe it? Time has flown by. Let's take this opportunity to look back at 2012, Kotak…
I'm obsessed with video games. No news flash there. I can mark months of my life with the games I've played, the…
The 2012 year is almost over. Soon, it'll be time to get out those top hats and ring in the New Year. But many you…