The Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel arrives November 11, allowing players to take on…
It still irritates me that the Xbox One isn't backwards-compatible. From Red Dead to GTA V, there are old games I…
After successfully reaching the English voice acting stretch goal, Mighty No. 9's slacker backer campaign is now raising money for a post-release DLC pack consisting of an extra stage with its own boss fight. The planned release window is Summer 2015, provided they can collect another $190,000 by the end of this year. Read more
The Dark Below, as it's called, will bring new missions, gear, and a level cap increase to the game.
We knew a 720p graphically improved version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was hitting the Xbox 360 this weekend…
Continuing in the Borderlands series' grand tradition of making sly winks at everything from Minecraft to Game…
The Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra universe is tailor-made for a good video game. It boggles my mind…
A graphically improved version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas will be hitting Xbox Live on October 26, just in…
For their upcoming fighting game, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round, the developers at Tecmo Koei have created a new…
It's been ages since I've exercised this much control over the music in a rhythm game, and I've never felt so sore…
Before The Evil Within came out, I knew that I had to steel myself to be scared by it. But I'd also been nagged…
We might just have a new contender for the title of most Borderlands boss in the history of Borderlands bosses.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's mean, green barfing machine of a secret boss thinks it's so tough. It can nearly…
Remember that Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel gun nobody could figure out how to use? Yeah, well somebody figured out…
The Sword In The Stone, 87 bazillion gun moon explosion edition.
He's big, mean, and green. Also pretty well-hidden.
Borderlands is an island. In its center, there's a breezy mix of ridiculous firefights and even nuttier guns.…
Zen Studios upgrades its various pinball platforms this week with a tables based on the animated Christmas card that…
Following a four-hour Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition online co-op session with Kirk Hamilton last night (I'm a…