The first game in Telltale's Game of Thrones series will be out next week. The dates, confirmed by a pair of tweets, are: December 2 for PC and PS4, December 3 for Xbox One and 360, and December 4 for iOS. The PS3 will get Iron From Ice on December 9, and the Android version will be out later in December. Read more

Walking Dead dev Telltale's first Game of Thrones game is coming "soon." The six episode series will focus on five characters from House Forrester, a family loyal to the Starks (aka Sean Bean and his extremely unlucky spawn) and will take you to places like King's Landing and The Wall.

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Remember the last-gen Assassin's Creed comes out this week, too. Unity's been getting all the hype from Ubisoft but Rogue looks like it might be improving on the best parts of last year's Black Flag.
