When a normal game gets the Smosh Games Honest Trailers treatment I just point and laugh along with the video.…
World of Warcraft's latest expansion, Warlords of Draenor, is only a couple days away. It's a momentous occasion for…
There's only a couple hours left until WoW's fifth expansion, Warlords of Draenor, goes live, and these final hours are always eventful, whether it's a last minute raid of the opposite faction's capital or—as in fite_me_irl's screenshot—a giant blob of players gathering to say goodbye to Pandaria. Read more
Basically, some of these costumes look like folks' World of Warcraft, Diablo and Starcraft characters walked right…
Blizzard lore/story/sunglasses guy Chris Metzen and his daughter were watching a cinematic scene from World of…
Organized by Raegwyn, a talented veteran player and record breaker, he and 19 other players just gave Mists of…
A couple of week's back I laid out my plan to prepare for World of Warcraft's upcoming Warlords of Draenor expansion…
The "Darkmoon Faire," a classic week-long event in World of Warcraft, started yesterday with daily quests to do,…
Is there anything more paralyzing than a blank slate?
World of Warcraft's fifth expansion is not out yet, but thanks to its beta, it's more or less clear what we'll be…
Leveling in World of Warcraft is much easier than it was in vanilla WoW days. We have heirloom items that level with…
After nearly eight years of covering World of Warcraft from the same old character, I'm taking next month's Warlords…
Sure, you can glitch Atheon off the cliff by yourself with a few grenades, but apparently even that isn't as fast as…
World of Warcraft now has new character models. They're a visual improvement, but for some they've come at a cost,…
The Dark Portal as we know it has closed, as Blizzard's decade-old MMORPG prepares for next month's fifth expansion…
As patch 6.0.2. arrives and clears the field for Warlods of Draenor the current gateway between Azeroth and Outland…
Flamy507's short video about bosses that are only reachable via a giant elevator is so true it hurts. No matter how…
After all these years, World of Warcraft is still incredibly popular in China, so it's no surprise that there are…
With the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor, coming in November, October seems to be a big…
Mages with their spells gone wrong, placeholder enemies, unfinished quests, giant "delete me" boxes... YouTuber Moo…