Having hit level 100 in World of Warcraft's Warlords of Draenor expansion pack earlier this week, I spent early…
It's happening! World of Warcraft is about to turn 10. If you logged in today, you've already seen an…
There is one piece of Warcraft lore that won't go away, no matter how much Blizzard tries (or doesn't try) to…
Frozen's Elsa meets WoW's Lich King. Well, in this case, Queen. Cosplay by Chubear, photo by Darshelle Stevens. I'm…
Enticed by the sweet siren call of the Warlords of Draenor expansion, World of Warcraft subscriber numbers have…
At around 4 AM Eastern this morning, less than a week after the release of World of Warcraft's fifth expansion pack,…
Are you an active World of Warcraft subscriber? You get five free days—it's Blizzard's way of saying "sorry" for all the lag and other technical issues that went down when Warlords of Draenor launched last week.
The expansion has been out for a few days now and most of us will reach level 100 in the coming days. Raids are…
One fun thing to do while waiting for expansion-pack related technical issues and sever queues to resolve is read up…
Ian Beckman's recreation of Warlords of Draenor's intro takes not just the game's story, but also its graphics and…
At this point it almost feels like I'm repeating myself. Blizzard and NetEase have pulled out all the stops to get…
I've been waiting all damn day for this, keeping my character online as I worked to make sure I didn't have to…
You know those early stages of love, when you just can't seem to get enough of the other person, yet it feels as if…
If you survived the lag you've probably already obtained your garrison and a few followers —special NPC buddies…
In an effort to stem issues caused by tons of people trying to get to the expansion content at once, Blizzard has…
While most of us are still trying to survive the crowded starting zones of World of Warcraft's new expansion—and…
Over the past many months, Blizzard has been going through the painstaking process of redoing old World of Warcraft…
As players on European servers prepare to pass through a very different Dark Portal than they did in 2007's Burning…
"I never got it in-game, so I thought I'm gonna make it and I'm going to have my own Lightbringer set at the house."…