At around 4 AM Eastern this morning, less than a week after the release of World of Warcraft's fifth expansion pack, my little Draenei boy became a level 100 Shaman. That was awfully fast.
Not in the grand scheme of things mind you, what with some players skyrocketing from level 90 to Warlords of Draenor's new level cap of 100 in a matter of hours once the expansion pack went live. I'm talking about fast in a Fahey-playing-WoW sense. This is the fastest I've ever hit level cap post-expansion.
My reaction to this latest expansion has been pretty overwhelming. The story of present Azeroth's invasion into Draenor's past has been riviting, largely due to grand opening sequence, which quickly teaches players to hate the titular orc warlords enough to really, really want to kick their asses across ten levels of fresh content.
And then there's the new garrison feature, which has eaten my soul.
At every turn there's been something new driving me towards the finish line. My final two levels in the wilds of Nagrande were mostly spent ensconced within a magnificent battle tank, the product of a decision to build a gearworks instead of some sort of stable in the final zone outpost of my blossoming empire.
Moments after blowing the hell out of a major orc spirit with my mechanical marvel, I turned in the quest that took me to the limit. I documented the occasion without sound out of respect for its weightiness and because it was 4 AM and I was too tired to make sure my settings were correct.
So what's next? Gergo Vas made a handy guide featuring ten things to do once players hit level 100 in Warlords of Draenor, so I plan on following that closely. I'll certainly be logging in daily to harvest my garrison's mine and fill work orders needed to learn advanced enchanting and engineering recipes.
I have followers to collect and level, quests to complete, pets to capture and add to my collection and hey — I've only played through the Alliance side of the expansion. Maybe I'll see how the other half lives.
What comes next is the most important part of an MMO expansion. Sure, fresh new content done well is exciting, but will the expansion keep my interest once the final quest is turned in? We shall see. In the meantime, DING!