No need to dig through those complex guides anymore. FatbossTV's one-minute summary of the 7 bosses and their…
A decade of not standing in fires. Dark Legacy Comics, who have been around for almost the same amount of time as WoW…
The story of The Scourge and The Lich King has always been important lore, and even though the original Lich King,…
Last year, to celebrate Mists of Pandaria, NetEase and Blizzard released a World of Warcraft mahjong set. This year,…
Every time a new World of Warcraft expansion comes out, no matter how much gold we had, it just vanishes…
So there's a mechanical corgi in the cave near Metzen the Reindeer? And it's been there for years? Too bad it's…
Only 4 guilds were capable of defeating Imperator Mar'gok on the hardest difficulty, the final boss of Warlords…
Yulon on Tumblr found a really nice easter egg in Warlords of Draenor. The first followers—NPCs we can send out on…
One of the hardest things in World of Warcraft is making the transition from leveling and playing casually to…
Although Warlords of Draenor has been out for a while, players had to wait till yesterday for Highmaul, the…
Along with some holiday-themed outfits and the introduction of timed stimpack buffs, the latest update for…
No matter where you are in the new zones of World of Warcraft, Khadgar, the main NPC of the expansion, will pop up…
Deathwing the Worldbreaker. Formerly Neltharion, Earth-Warder of Azeroth. The reason behind the entire World of…
On the Alliance side World of Warcraft's fifth expansion is all about saving the world. On the Horde side it's all…
In WoW, Hunting rare monsters for mounts is a great alternative if you're not up to getting them from dungeons or…
Warlods of Draenor introduced garrisons to World of Warcraft, with followers who can be sent on special missions to…
Pretty much every race on World of Warcraft's colorful roster has received a modern makeover at this point. Every…
From lowly newbie Shaman to decorated General of the Alliance with his own castle stronghold in a little over a…
We knew WoW devs liked Dragon Ball, but Talador, one of Warlords of Draenor's new zones, is home to an entire scene…
If your answer is something along the lines of "sitting in front of my computer cursing", you certainly weren't…