With better gear, people will do more and more crazy things in Warlords of Draenor’s current raid. This insanely…
Tanaan Jungle, the closed max level zone of Draenor, opens up in patch 6.2. While it’s far from being completed, You…
Lower level dungeons in World of Warcraft are always fun to solo at level 100, but with a new feature called…
In Warlords of Draenor’s first content patch, we only got a few Garrison tweaks and a selfie camera. But the second…
The goals in Arathi Basin, one of World of Warcraft’s oldest PvP battleground, seem easy: capture strategic…
With people leveling their characters super fast nowdays, the inns of World of Warcraft no longer function as hubs…
Shadowmourne is one of the few legendary items players can acquire in World of Warcraft, and a weapon like that…
Not content to wait for Man At Arms’ to get around to them, Blizzard taps master blacksmith Tony Swatton to recreate…
“Players now take 10% less damage in PvP.” “Players now deal 10% more damage in PvP.” “Players now act like they…
The "Grand Marshal's Aegis" is basically as old as World of Warcraft is, and it's one of the most recognizable and…
While a lot of players are still trying to finish Blackrock Foundry, the ones who've completed it on the hardest…
World of Warcraft lives up to its name in that it is a vast world of its own. There’s so much more to do than just…
With subscription tokens , purchasable with gold, coming to WoW, people with enough in-game gold income might…
Blackhand, the final boss of Blackrock Foundry, Warlords of Draenor's second raid, is a tough guy. The raid's…
"Is challenged by" might have been a more appropriate turn of phrase to use in the headline, but I figured if I…
Neutral Agent and his fresh level 100 neutral Pandaren is the only max level character in the world right now…
World of Warcraft will soon introduce a whole new economy, allowing players both to spend in-game gold on real-life…
The "Voidtalon of the Dark Star" is a new mount added to WoW with patch 6.1, but the patch notes don't mention…
Not all World of Warcraft players are on board with the idea of selfies—that most modern of photography, um,…