Blue Microphones’ Yeti X is one of the most caster-friendly high-end USB microphones going, with cool features like…
I started a new World of Warcraft character last week, following the release of the Shadowlands expansion pre-patch…
The pre-patch for the next World of Warcraft expansion, Shadowlands, went live yesterday afternoon. Faces and…
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has been delayed. Announced in a blog post, World of Warcraft executive producer John…
The latest World of Warcraft expansion finally has a release date. Announced during today’s Gamescom event, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will arrive October 27th. Check out the release date trailer below:
The other night, I played Warframe with some of my actual, flesh-and-blood friends for the first time. I was…
Byron “Reckful” Bernstein was a Twitch fixture, transforming himself into an essential part of the platform’s DNA…
My brother and I started taking World of Warcraft Classic seriously again two weeks ago. We both played during the…
My first World of Warcraft character is still around, largely unchanged even after 13 years. WoW’s character…
Despite developers having to work around quarantine restrictions, World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands expansion is still planned for release this fall. During today’s game update stream Blizzard announced the eighth expansion to the long-running MMO moves from alpha to beta next week.
Blizzard announced yesterday that it’s pulled the plug on over 74,000 World of Warcraft player accounts involved in…
There’s already a WoW board game, and it’s fine, but Blizzard is teaming up with Days of Wonder to release another on…
With players in the game forums and Reddit clamoring for an extension, World of Warcraft’s double experience point…
During a pandemic, illness isn’t the only thing that spreads. Fear and panic set in, leaving room for misinformation…
It’s been a decade since World of Warcraft players stormed Icecrown Citadel to take down the Lich King Arthas…
Once every month or two, I have this dream. I’m standing in a cavernous entryway to what my brain tells me is…
Blizzard has addressed concerns surrounding glitches that arose during the world-first race to complete the Mythic difficulty version of WoW’s latest raid, Ny’alotha. Game director Ion Hazzikostas told Kotaku the team plans to “improve our internal testing processes as well as our responsiveness,” given that these…
The “Mythic” difficulty version of World of Warcraft’s latest raid, Ny’alotha, is a doozy. Top guilds began racing…
The remastered version of Blizzard’s real-time strategy classic Warcraft 3 launched yesterday, and while I’m nowhere…
Rather than leveling up a vulpera, which is a new character race introduced in last week’s Visions of N’Zoth update…