Few game reveals are more anticipated a brand-new Legend of Zelda game, but nothing touches the intense reaction…
We Dare was more famous for its commercial than its gameplay, largely because the backlash to the trailer was so…
The underappreciated Wii adventure game Zack & Wiki will come to the Wii U virtual console tomorrow, Nintendo has announced. It’s $20 and well worth your time.
Amiibo collectors who purchased a Skylanders Superchargers starter pack for the Wii U, Wii or 3DS solely to acquire…
It’s not every day I get to refer to my wife as perfectly reasonable but yeah—this is all her fault.
The excellent Wii hospital game Trauma Team, in which you play as an ensemble of medical professionals, is being re-released as a $20 Virtual Console download for the Wii U on Thursday. Prepare yourself by reading our rave review of the game from 2010. It even supports local co-op surgery!
The fifth installment of the series that started the toys-and-games craze goes on sale tomorrow, which means stores…
It’s a little technical, but this post by the Dolphin team outlining a big improvement to the emulator’s audio is fascinating, giving you a real insight into just how much work and problem-solving goes into the whole thing.
A Colorado man lost his RV and many personal belongings in a blaze that firefighters believe his Nintendo Wii could…
Nintendo’s original Wii is as peculiar a video game console as it is a successful one. Its story has some…
Rodea the Sky Soldier is a Wii game that, despite being made a beloved game creators, looked like it would never see…
While many consider the 3D Sonic games uniformly inferior to the 2D ones, many of my best Sonic memories come from So…
If you’ve played Wii or GameCube games on the PC, chances are it was because of the Dolphin emulator. Rachel Bryk,…
Rodea the Sky Soldier is a game with a bit of a troubled development history.
Rodea the Sky Soldier, the newest game by Sonic the Hedgehog and Nights into Dreams creator Yuji Naka was released…
Super Mario World, Sonic The Hedgehog, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo Kazooie — the number of platforming series and…
Which has better graphics? The New Nintendo 3DS or the (old) Nintendo Wii? Let's compare and find out.
Behold: singer Katy Perry, the only person on earth who actually listens to Nintendo when they tell you to wear the…
The classic colour scheme on Toad's is nice, but that Bowser one just screams "Mario Kart night with tacos maybe".
It's been possible to play Wii games on your Wii U since forever, but Nintendo's finally making Wii games…