Video game record keeper Twin Galaxies has posted the first official record scores for Wii Sports Resort. Have you…
Not only has Wii Sports Resort broken the million mark in Japan, but it's also done the same in both the United…
Nintendo has announced that Wii Sports Resort has reached the million seller milestone.
I was recently invited to appear on College Humor's Bleep Bloop video game show to play and discuss Wii Sports Resort
Nintendo's Wii Sports Resort was the bestselling video game in the U.S. last month, moving more than a half million…
You know you've got it made when even the Wall Street Journal wants a piece of your sweet, sweet motion controlled…
Anyone doubting the sales potential of a game with the words "Wii Sports" in the title need only look at some…
Nintendo's follow up to the best-selling game of all time, Wii Sports, is off to a good start in the United States.…
As Wii Sports was to the Nintendo Wii, Wii Sports Resort is to the Wii Motion Plus, packed with a dozen mini-games…
Packed with Nintendo's new MotionPlus add-on, Wii Sports Resort delivers a dozen new family-friendly, Mii-sporting…
Wii bowling has been all the rage at retirement homes pretty much since the Wii started selling with Wii Sports…
Witness a major marketing spend and a video game taking center stage at the Crossroads of the World.
At a fake beach today, Nintendo's vp of corporate affairs didn't want to tell me how many copies Nintendo hopes to…
The Wii Revolution has succeeded. Everyone knows this. What was once doubted and mocked now dominates and broadly…
If you've got WiiConnect24 hooked up on your console, it should be glowing blue right, with Nintendo…
A concrete island in New York's Times Square will be getting a sandy beach, swimming pool and "tropical lounge"…
Nintendo's Wii Sports Resort is ensuring that Wii MotionPlus penetration is off to a good start in Japan, with the…
Originally, Wii Sports Resort did not include a golf game. But it ended up in Wii Sports Resorts only after Miyamoto…
Nintendo's reliance on Mario, Zelda and Pokemon is sometimes a loudly vocalized source of frustration for fans of…
Last week, sports game collection Wii Sports Resort went on sale in Japan. Loads of people bought it.