Wii Music made its infamous debut at E3 2008 with a sloppy, confusing rendition of the Super Mario Bros. over world…
Wii Music is an interesting breed. Not only does it allow a player to collaborate musically with their friends, but…
Click to view Times are tough! And when times are tough, standard theory on the essentials in life maintains that we…
What does Goodie Mob and Gnarls Barkley member Cee-Lo think of Wii Music? His unofficial review — courtesy of…
Nintendo loves the ladies, and they'll be proving it tomorrow and Wednesday with their strong presnece at the 5th…
Yeah, that's right. I'm playing Wii Music. Nearly snapped these puny wrists off last night, wailing away on the Dog…
Here are more Wii Music tunes that Ravi can drum to — licensed tunes. The tunes that we previously posted were…
Nintendo's musical concoction will be heading to a Wii near you October 20th. In the mean time we got a few new…
...but without the fake plastic instruments. This ad shows young hipster gathering around with their friends to…
Believe it or not, Wii Music is nearly upon us. Those still interested in picking the game up - or at least…
Mixed E3 impressions or not, Wii Music is coming out this October. And boy oh boy are Nintendo president Satoru…
Nintendo is hoping that "blue ocean" lightning strikes thrice with the October 20th release of Wii Music in North…
You know, I actually used to be a pretty good cheerleader player back in high school. Thought about forming my…
We had our doubts about Wii Music after the "dog incident," but we're skeptics no longer. Nintendo, you had us…
After the first, we imagined there would be more Wii Music ads. Many more. And so it has come to pass. Here's the …
Like Ashcraft said, "And so, it begins" We got some new Wii Music screenshots to fuel your harmonic needs. Soon you…
And so, it beings. Here is the first Wii Music TV spot for Japan. Ladies and gents, we present the marimba. We…
That Wii Music release date rumor we posted were correct! The game has been dated for Japan, and it will be released…
Nintendo seem to think that air drumming is a good idea. After all, it was the highlight of their Wii Music…
Not confirmed, but Nintendo-centric Japanese blog Rambing Man has a street date for Wii Music: The game will…