Batman: The Brave and the Bold is a colorful 2D beat-em up in a world where dark and gritty 3D action adventure…
How are the giant mechs of F.E.A.R. 3—aka F.3.A.R.—looking? I thought you'd never ask. Turn up your monitor's…
Formerly a household name in video games, the bankrupted publisher will end up paying creditors between 16 and 25…
PlayStation 3 serial killer game Heavy Rain may be bringing its tale of suspense, child abduction and wet tank tops…

A blend of live action and in-game graphics might seem ill-advised, as the transition to 20 seconds or so of…
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment confirms that the adjective-laden follow-up to 5TH Cell's million-selling…
I'd say evil little psychotic girl Alma is almost looking hot on this official box art for F.E.A.R. 3, but her kids…
Warner Bros. video game family grows again today, as does the its ownership of things that fall under The Lord of…
The third entry in Monolith Productions' F.E.A.R. franchise may be getting its big reveal in the next month, as…
Warner Bros. Interactive has tapped the team behind Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and Champions of Norrath to create…
With the PlayStation Move looking, well, similar to Nintendo's Wii Remote, you may have wondered how long it would…
Is Rocksteady's superb Batman video game series already reaching the point of Robin? So says a listing for Batman:…
Warner Bros. & Traveller's Tales - creators of the LEGO series of licensed video games - have announced that there…
Did you ever play Space Invaders and, while you were dodging and firing and shooting, make up a story about who was…
Looking to lock down one of the most promising developers in the business, Warner Bros. has purchased a majority…
How do you combine a magical, best-selling series of children's novels with the magical, best-selling series of…
A Hollywood production company has filed suit against Warner Bros., claiming the media giant has frozen it out of…
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment proudly announces today that 5th Cell's word-based wonder, Scribblenauts,…