An Oregon couple discovered an unexpected benefit of being a Wii gamer earlier this week: When your drunken…
Here we go. Jared Lee Loughner, the Tucson man accused of attempting to kill Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle…
In today's installment of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Dracosummoner explores the controversial role of sex and…
Artist Tyler Shields brings together the Backstreet Boys' Aj McLean, Madmen's Michael Gladis, an attractive naked…
Writer Fraser Allison thinks a few games could be improved if they contained a little less shooting. We're…
With countless folk horror tales of theme park rides decapitating or removing the limbs of riders, you'd think Six…
Musical artist, apparent Sonic the Hedgehog aficionado and one of Time magazine's "World's Most Influential People"…
Annexing territory, sending out scouting groups, beating enemies to death, and eating babies. It may sound like a…
It is no secret that much of the world sees our beloved hobby as a nothing but juvenile, ultra-violent, and…
The legality of a state regulating the sale and rental of violent video games to minors will be decided finally by…
The blowup this week over gun-camera footage showing an Army operation raised comparisons to "video game-like"…
Investigative organization WikiLeaks released classified U.S. military video today showing the killing of more than…
I think we should be prepared for all sorts of evil, player-created games when WarioWare D.I.Y. hits North America…
At the CES show in Las Vegas in January, I was debating Craig Gross, a pastor at the XXX Church, about the merits…
"I've always been a non-violent person," Tim Jones told me last week as we chatted in a subterranean nightclub in…
In our continued efforts to see both sides of the argument in Australia and elsewhere about the extreme content of…
An Italian man giving video game advice to his son Sunday evening was repaid with a 15-inch kitchen knife to the…
The ESRB has given Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain an M for Mature rating, explaining the game's drug use, violence,…
Video game developer Andrew Hall makes no bones about his lifestyle or the game he helped make that revels in it.
Yesterday Kotaku ran a graphic screenshot from the upcoming Aliens Vs. Predator game. Past the old arguments about…