This week is E3, which means tons of games are getting announced and none of them are actually coming out, at least…
June holds the bizarre distinction of being one of both the most and least exciting months in gaming. Players may be…
Tokyo 42, Star Trek: Bridge Crew (for real this time), and a bunch of other stuff comes out this week. As Memorial…
It’s been nearly four years since the game that looked like if Wind Waker had a baby with Ico was announced. How…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: who do you think would win in a fight, Batman or Superman?
They just don’t make first-person shooters like they used to. Except for Strafe.
It feels like only yesterday a giant open-world game was coming out every week. But alas here we are, inching…
Picking stuff up in games will never get old.
It’s time to leave childish things like tower climbing, cyborg-dino slaying, and planet scanning behind and go hit…
Some places are worth returning to as often as possible on each new console.
When things in this galaxy get too predictable, it’s time to pick up and lift off for another. Maybe humanity can…
It turns out the future has been delayed, so let’s play with some psychopathic stuffed animals instead.
Sunglasses are out, protective leather coverings are in.
The Nintendo Switch is less than two weeks away, but meanwhile here’s a bunch of games that aren’t Breath of the Wild…
Roses are red, violets are blue, please don’t move while I try and stab you.
Samurai Dark Souls is finally here. And not much else.
Decades later, I still have no idea what Double Dragon was about.
If anyone understood gravity, it was the Canadian prog-rock band Rush.