If I were to keep a list of my top five favourite games of all time in a tattered black book buried in a tin box in…
Renaud Charpentier, of Total War devs Creative Assembly, may have a point. So many "bad" games, which to be fair…

We live in a time where even a new Total War game gets a live-action trailer, complete with sexy bits (the…
It's been eons—in gaming time, at least—since The Creative Assembly's Roman variant of the Total War strategy games…
For the first time in Total War history, fans can creatively assemble custom maps for Shogun 2 using the official…

Sadly, you cannot play Creative Assembly's Total War games on an iPad. What you can now do, though, is play an iPad…
In an interview with Gamasutra, Tim Heaton, the studio director of Total War developer Creative Assembly, described…
A restructuring in light of steep losses for the quarter ending today means that a lot of people at Sega of America…
Since we ran a feature on Duncan Harris, the groovy "video game photographer" behind the website DeadEndThrills,…
While Total War: Shogun 2 does an excellent job of depicting the titanic clash between two warring factions, it's…
Earlier this year The Creative Assembly took Total War: Shogun 2 players into the past with the Rise of the Samurai…

A team over at the Total War Center is making a mod for PC strategy classic Medieval 2: Total War that replaces…
After a range of teeny little downloadable content packs, Creative Assembly's Total War: Shogun 2 will next month be…

Kotaku's review of the latest Total War game, Shogun 2
Creative Assembly's Total War series is one of the few remaining blockbuster franchises on the PC that is, at heart,…
The bow monks have notched their arrows, the boats have been launched, and the footmen are stirring nervously in…
Deciding that E3 was simply too far away to wait, Creative Assembly today took the wraps off the latest game in the…
Sega has been teasing the release of an all-new Total War game for the last week or so, with a full reveal set for…
There'll most likely be a new Total War game unveiled at E3, but in the meantime, Sega is happy to release a new…
The Creative Assembly, best known as the studio behind the Total War series of PC strategy games, will soon be…