As awful as this is, I can't stop watching.
As awful as this is, I can't stop watching.
Japan has a long and storied tradition of developing games where you are a train driver. Doing very little but…
This is Game Over, a title for the Spectrum, first released in 1987. A game released amidst controversy. See, while…
Who gives a shit about unboxing modern games hardware. We all do it when we buy the thing, they come with…
Just as Nintendo had its Power Line, so too did Sega once have its own band of phone-based game assistance. It was…
In 1988, Taito released Akira, cash-in on the hugely-popular animated film of the same name. Just in case you were…
Before the internet, before people even really cottoned onto the idea of games magazines, publishers had to sell…
The Professor Layton games have long demanded a soundtrack a bit more sophisticated than the one they have—the…
Psychic/possessed children are creepy. They do creeeepy things, like stare blankly at you and speak in a monotone…
We've all done it. Anyone who's played an open-world game, from Grand Theft Auto III to Fallout 3 to Red Dead…
You may have seen one or two of these clips before, maybe even here on Kotaku, but boy, seeing them all laid out…
Sure, I could bang on about Caveman, a tabletop electronic game released by Tomy, and how it had a rad soundtrack…
Ronald Jardine was one of the very first employees at Atari. We're talking the early 1970s here. Employee #159.…
Soft & Cuddly was a 1987 game for the ZX Spectrum. It was neither soft, nor cuddly.
This old Diablo II commercial, from around the time of the game's launch in June 2000, is notable for two things.
In 1999, Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto gave a keynote address at the Game Developers Conference. An address you…
If you're short on ideas for new wallpaper, and have a bit of a thing for old video game hardware, check out French…
Has it been a while since you last played Full Throttle? I'm guessing it has. Sit back, relax, and watch the intro…
Most everyone has some memory or another of 1943, the top-down airplane bullet-hell shooter to which we all lost a…
They say Red Dead Redemption is haunted, you know. They've said it for years now—ghosts exist in the system, devils…