Ha, ha, Journey reviewer. You think you're so clever, inserting Journey lyrics into your game review.
Since I had not played Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater until recently, I had also not seen its introductory…
You don't have to be a regular Kotaku reader to know that "8-bit" has become one a hugely popular aesthetic. 8-bit…
Sega earned itself quite the reputation during the 1990s for its bold advertising, especially in the European market.…
Think back to the video games of the 80s and 90s and most characters, let alone protagonists, were dudes. But not…
This is the first episode of Did You Know Gaming?, a new series close to my heart because it does exactly what I…
In the 1982 film Tron, nearly everything takes place, in one way or another, inside a joint called Flynn's Arcade.
DRM, or Digital Rights Management, is in many ways the great scourge of modern gaming. Designed to limit the effects…
Reader Saybox has made this terrific timewaster of a browser game, which tests your 90s game knowledge by asking you…
ZombiU was one of the surprises of E3, taking the boring old zombie shooter idea and using the Wii U's controller to…
Plenty of adventure game developers have recently reunited to create new games, usually funded via Kickstarter. At…
I'm a fan of Lore in a Minute!, a site that breaks down a game's lore and story in easily digestible, humorous…
Purposefully vulgar marketing isn't the only thing controversial about the new Hitman game Hitman: Absolution;…
Continuing my dust-covered crusade against modern unboxings, here's another vintage unboxing, in which an Atari…
In 1985, Namco America employee Steven Drake was arrested by police and found with $32,000 cash on him, with even…
Mommy, where do video games come from? They come from factories, dear, factories like these, from the 1980s.
It's perhaps not as famous as other hatchet jobs on the English language perpetrated by Japanese developers in the…
From Suikoden II. Which I don't think I've ever actually played. Maybe I should, because this looks great.
If all you do is sit around reading video game news all day, and not much else, when someone mentions the name…
While that's a subjective boast, has any other game been so terrible that copies of it were taken out into the…