Pardon the fast-walking and poor focus, this is meant to just give you a quick sense of this year's Tokyo Game Show…
During his keynote at the 2008 Tokyo Game Show, Microsoft's John Schappert announced that beloved fighting…
Was there ever any doubt that Travis Touchdown and his laser sword of doom would be making their triumphant…
I just ran through the halls to snap some pictures from the floor of the Tokyo Game Show 2008. This year's event…
Microsoft's John Schappert is due to take the stage in the International Business Center at the Makuhari Messe to…
Today the Tokyo Game Show kicks off with a keynote from Square Enix president Yoichi Wada. We're expecting some big…
We're around, oh, two hours away from the beginning of the Tokyo Game Show. To follow will be four days of, yes, ball…
Carjacking, fleeing from the cops, and an open world in which you rub elbows with corrupt weasels and lowlife thugs…
LocoRoco designer Tsutomu Kouno knows better than to mess with a good thing and LocoRoco was most certainly that.…
Busy day Tuesday. Ash and Mike headed out to meet with the developers behind Ninja Blade and Banjo Kazooie: Nuts &…
Who wants to hear about Patapon 2? And, specifically, about it's biggest new addition, multiplayer? Oh, you? Great,…
Hi Tsutomu Kouno. As the guy who made LocoRoco, and who is making LocoRoco 2, what do you think about...uh, Tsutomu?…
So, yeah, we went and said hi to the LocoRoco 2 guys today. And did we leave empty-handed? Nope. We got a bunch of…
Watching Ninja Blade in action for the first time at Microsoft's Daitabashi offices, it reminded us of another From…
In Patapon you controlled an assortment of highly stylized characters by tapping out music on the four face buttons…
Naruto? Not really our "thing." Chalk it up to ignorance, the daunting back story and the unwillingness to do the…
We caught a glimpse of the potential machine-exploder that had Fahey so enamored at E3 earlier this year. PowerUp…
Namco Bandai's pre Tokyo Game Show press conference may have been a little light on the news, but at least they…
Live action samurai versus ninja fights aside, the Afro Samurai presentation at yesterday's Namco Bandai presser was…
Hey! Teruaki Konishi! You're working on Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, right? You got 15 seconds.…