Virtual residents of the last version of EA's popular life simulation get a stay of execution today, as the company…
Micro-managing your Sim all over again may be further off than originally planned, if retailer reports are accurate.…
The video starts off showing you the myriad options available for creating your Sim, and then quickly moves on to…
Pay close attention Sims fans, and learn how much you'll need to upgrade your computer in order to play The Sims 3…
This new European trailer for EA's The Sims 3 is perfectly fine until the young French maid starts making out with…
Do you have questions about The Sims 3? Well EA has just unleashed a massive amount of answers in the form a a…
I wasn't even aware that EA's The Sims 3 was anywhere near the point where they could announce a collector's…
During EA's press conference in Leipzig earlier this morning, it was announced that the game destined to sell a gagil…
Still The Sims, now with a shiny 3 after it. If you're interested in all things Simlish then you probably want to…