Poor ol' Prototype. You'd think June would be a good month to launch a solid piece of new IP and, with Activision's…
Breaking up is hard to do, but video games can help. Here are five 2009 titles that'll get you through the five…
Pirated copies of The Sims 3 temporarily rattled EA. Burnout Paradise DLC came too late. And Battleforge is now part…
Interested in finding out what titles have gamers Tweeting like crazy? Look no further than Tweet My Gaming, a new…
Was there ever any doubt that The Sims 3 would be a smashing success? If so, sweep away those doubts, because the…
To go with the reviewers' copies of The Sims 3 Collectors Edition (plum-bob USB memory stick included), EA also sent…
After a more than three month delay—and more than four years on from the release of The Sims 2—The Sims 3 is finally…
What better way to market the latest version of EA's life simulation series than to tap into one of the biggest…
Talking to tall fir trees is just one of the many exciting activities planned for the iPhone version of The Sims 3.
EA delivers all the details on the online and community features coming your way when The Sims 3 weasels its way…
You should be keeping tabs on The Sims 3, if only because it'll be cluttering up the PC sales charts for the next…
You may be unaware that The Sims 3 is out in June. But that's OK. You are not EA's intended audience. Those guys,…
Rather than anger their fanbase with intrusive digital rights management technology, EA has opted to stick with…
The Sims 3 for the iPhone will sell in-game items for 99 cents and play music from your library, according to a…
Of all the career paths the Sims franchise ever offered, the criminal career track was the most morally unambiguous…
Ghosts push aside alien abductions, werewolf infections and nightclubbing vampires to become the sole element of the…
It wouldn't be Valentine's Day without half a dozen games celebrating the number two Hallmark holiday of the year. Th…
What's the last time you got knocked up in-game? Was it The Sims 2? Fable II? Or all the way back in 1992 with…
Fire up the Ministry, because every day will be Halloween in The Sims 3. Electronic Arts and Maxis are reaching out…