An ancient Hylian tribe, the Zonai, and the Dragons they worshiped may feature prominently in the hotly anticipated…
Instead of playing the latest and greatest games at Cologne's Gamescom expo, I'll be playing a 2009 Legend of Zelda…
This really, really is. Yodobashi Camera is one of the largest retailers in Japan, and boy oh boy does it ever have…
We asked readers to get off their duffs and try to convert people into Zelda fanatics... and to document themselves…
Don't forget to look over and vote for your favorite finalist in our Zelda contest.
Last month... last year we asked you to show your Zelda pride not just by bragging about your ability to buy things…
It's the last day of 2009 and of the Double Os as well (unless you're pedantic), but more importantly it's the last…
Are you a Zelda fan living in North or South America who hasn't entered our Biggest Zelda Fan contest yet? We made…
If you are the biggest Zelda fan and desire a $1000 gift card for the Nintendo Store, (!) a signed DS, (!!) a copy…
Edge magazine has an interview with Legend of Zelda series director Eiji Aonuma in their 211th issue feature, Links…
If you are the biggest Zelda fan and desire a $1000 gift card for the Nintendo Store, a signed DS, a copy of the new…
We recently announced our grandest contest ever, a search for the biggest Zelda fan in North or South America. This…
Target's goes video game bargain crazy this Sunday, with gift card cash back on the Wii and DSi, $88 bundled games,…
Are game critics sick and tired of these Zelda-loving Links on this Zelda-loving train? Find out, in our…
In case you missed it, we launched a pretty impressive Legend of Zelda giveaway yesterday. But one point of clarity.
If you're a Zelda fan you're going to want to sit down before reading this.
There are two ways Zelda games can be great. The newest entry in the series, The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks…