Edge magazine has an interview with Legend of Zelda series director Eiji Aonuma in their 211th issue feature, Links To The Past. His feelings on Twilight Princess? Regret.
In a snippet of of the interview reprinted on Edge Online, Aonuma says that the realistic look and feel of Twilight Princess presented challenges for the designers to incorporate ideas that fit with the "sheer grand scale" of the game. "I am afraid that definitely no, we were not able to do all the things that perhaps with hindsight we had the capabilities to do. With that as the starting point, we are now developing the Wii version of Legend Of Zelda."
Aonuma goes on to say:
"In the case of Spirit Tracks it was relatively easier, because regardless of the actual proportions between the player character and the other objects, we can simply concentrate upon the many game ideas we want to realise. But in the case of trying to depict a relatively photorealistic three-dimensional world, we have to be very careful to adapt the ideas so that they seem to perfectly fit with that world. I must admit that's actually one of my very greatest regrets as regards the Twilight Princess."
Sounds like a pretty good interview. I look forward to seeing the whole thing in print when Edge 211 hits the shelves.
Aonuma's Regrets For Twilight Princess [Edge Online]