The combat in The Division 2 feels great and is one of the main parts of the game that keeps me coming back. Yet,…
The Division 2 is a game filled with some incredible technology. Players can use automated turrets, bullet blocking…
For over a week, Zachary Jaglowski has been trying to figure out what the deal is with a mysterious basement in The…
A major update hitting The Division 2 will add the Tidal Basin stronghold and an extension of the endgame to “world…
Today on Highlight Reel we have The Division 2 moments, Apex Legends kills, dirty Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice tactics,…
I was only about 10 hours into The Division 2, a game that I expect I will play for dozens of hours when I realized…
The Division 2 is a huge and highly detailed world, filled with museums, parks, historical buildings and even…
Your average video game puts loot in boxes that sit on the floor or on the bodies of enemies who drop it when you…
Today on Highlight Reel we have The Division 2 glitches, Octane tactics in Apex Legends, tactical deer cover, and…
Game creators make the rules of the worlds they design, setting the physics and establishing what’s acceptable or…
Yesterday evening’s patch issued to fix The Division 2's gadget/skills cooldown bug seems to have been effective. Issues I’d run into with my drones suddenly disappearing and going into cooldown didn’t repeat last night as I played for a few hours. I’ve heard from other players also reporting that the old problems are… Read more
The Division 2 is mostly very good, but a bug that the developers acknowledged on Saturday has me scrambling through…
Between the recent releases of Far Cry New Dawn and The Division 2, I took a step back and took stock of how many…
The Division 2 is set in Washington, D.C. and that city is famous for all of its wonderful museums. Because Ubisoft…
Today we discover how much money you can make streaming games (If you’re famous), learn how to win a fighting game…
It’s fun. It’s huge. And it’s extremely player-friendly, except for the fact that some of its on-screen text is…
Today on Highlight Reel we have bullet curving in The Division 2, Red Dead Redemption 2 dunks, Apex Legends moments…
I love when a game encourages me to explore a world full, to the point where it’s fun to get lost in it. The…
We know that the newest U.S. presidents in The Division 2 are fictional, but a close look at an in-game museum exhibit about past presidents shows we don’t even know if Reagan succeeded Carter. Mysteries! We’ll have impressions of how the game actually plays tomorrow. So far, so good.
The Division 2, an apolitical game about amassing purple quality backpacks, is currently playable for Gold And…