The big new expansion for The Division 2, titled Warlords of New York, was supposed to go live on Tuesday, March 3.…

Today is your last chance to grab a digital download of Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 for $3. For the next 18 hours, Ubisoft’s third-person shooter is available at a steep discount on the PlayStation Store, Xbox Live, Ubisoft’s UPlay, and the Epic Games Store. Tomorrow’s upcoming expansion, Warlords of New York, is not…

The makers of the Division 2 may have just added more serious clothes to their game, but they’ve also added a more…

The Division 2's next apparel event will give players access to darker, more serious tactical gear, a response from the developers to backlash against earlier, goofier apparel events that offered things like Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops. It launches along with the goofier holiday event “Situation: Snowball” and a…
The Division 2's weekly State of the Game livestreams are on hiatus until January, a clear sign that the big Ubisoft game won’t get a notable update until early 2020, when its third episodic expansion is expected. The game was recently significantly improved, but has suffered from a lack of crowd-pleasing updates… Read more