Last night's The Conduit multiplayer event was plagued by major server issues, leaving developer High Voltage…
Of course robust online multiplayer is all relative when we're talking the Nintendo Wii, but High Voltage is packing…
The All Seeing Eye, or ASE, is a device that reveals hidden objects and enemies in the upcoming first-person shooter…
There are plenty of things to talk about when it comes to Wii shooter The Conduit, but none are more important then…
I wish I could say there were a whole bunch of amazing first-person experiences to compare it to on Nintendo's…
The Conduit's contribution to the Wii library is exciting. It's easy on the eyes, seems like a smart publishing…
Among the new details, The Conduit won't include MotionPlus, but will use Wii Speak support.
In case you missed it, today turned out to be SEGA DAY! Happy Sega Day, go hug a hedgehog!*
It's clear that High Voltage Software are excited about the ability of The Conduit, their upcoming first-person…
Sega's bringing its 2009 Wii wares to the New York Comic-Con, giving comic book fans a chance to play its…
Fresh off getting Sega to be the publisher for its Wii FPS, The Conduit, High Voltage apparently is looking to…
As is often the case with rumors, confirmation one way is generally just over the horizon. Take yesterday's rumor…
At last check, High Voltage Software's sharp-looking Wii game The Conduit was homeless, without a publisher to give…
What would a futuristic first-person shooter be without top-notch Hollywood voice talent? Why it would be High…
For two whole days, Nintendo fed on my soul - and I, in turn, fed on your eye sockets with the following impressions…
Last time we checked in with High Voltage at PAX, they had only just gotten their hands on Wii MotionPlus. So I…
This 90 second clip highlights the effort put into The Conduit's visual detail, no mean feat considering it's…
High Voltage chief operating officer Eric Nofsinger told MTV Multiplayer that The Conduit, due out March 2009, will…
All you southpaw gamers out there should rejoice... and then get to controller mapping, the developers behind The…