If the PlayStation 4's (limited) built-in capture functionality isn't enough for you, fear not. Sony announced at…
Want to know how an open-world design is going to change the stealth in the next Metal Gear Solid game? Feast your…
Yeah, that’s a giant weaponized teddy bear.
Who spends $500 to play a $20 downloadable game? I do, if the game's the spiritual successor to the Panzer Dragoon…
You might have seen the comparison pics—or even the video. The new PS Vita slim features a LCD display instead of an…
Monster Hunter is coming to the PS Vita! Well, the online game Monster Hunter Frontier G is. Service begins next year in Japan, with no word on a Western release.
Laying on the floor and gaming is hard work! It's apparently so difficult that a Japanese company has made the above…
It's called Soulcalibur Lost Swords, and it will be a PlayStation 3 exclusive.
Dig Gravity Daze? Looks like Sony's Japan Studio is working on another Gravity Daze title.
Hey! It's that time of year again. It's time for the Tokyo Game Show.
Does the protagonist hear voices, or is that just the trailer being weird? Why are they speaking German and…
Yeah, just a few seconds. But it's still Final Fantasy XV! The Tokyo Game Show brings us a "new" (there's lots of…
Today at the Tokyo Game Show 2013, I got some hands-on time with Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. As this is…
Seriously, was the piano not enough? Here it is, in any case: PS3 exclusive touchy-feely platform-adventure Rain's…
Today at the Tokyo Game Show 2013, I got some hands-on time with the HD remasters of Final Fantasy X and Final…
The PS Vita TV seems kind of confusing if you try to wrap your head around it: So, it's a PS Vita, but it's not…
Since, well, practically none of you will actually be in attendance at this year's Tokyo Game Show, Sony have…
The last historical Yakuza spin-off never made it to the West, so don't expect Yakuza Ishin to either. Meaning these sweet videos might be as close as you'll get to Sega's PS3/PS4 game.
I have never played Dark Souls. I believe I should probably preface this article by making this fact clear. The…
A bunch of cops. A sprawling, mysterious mansion. Hints of creepy occult stuff going down. Dead bodies. Loads of…