Trash talking is a time-honored tradition in the fighting game community, and few are better at it than Bronson…
Trash talking is a time-honored tradition in the fighting game community, and few are better at it than Bronson…
Released in 2015 in Japanese arcades, Tekken 7 finally arrives on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on June 2. Here’s a new trailer to celebrate knowing when we can play.
During the holidays, a hashtag titled #310さんおめでとうコンボ started proliferating among fighting game fans. The tweet…
Two new characters have been revealed for Tekken 7: Bob and Master Raven. Bob debuted in Tekken 6, while new character Master Raven is master of Raven, who debuted in Tekken 5.
Kuma is a veteran fighter in the King of the Iron Fist Tournament. For six official tournaments, two non-canon tag…
Street Fighter X Tekken came out in 2012. But Tekken X Street Fighter, which was announced at the same time, is…
Pokémon are usually cute creatures. That’s part of the appeal. But the upcoming Pokémon fighting game is not about…
Today, leaked photos of Tekken 7: Fated Retribution, the upcoming arcade update, circulated online in South Korea as…
While it doesn’t feel like Tekken X Street Fighter is coming any time soon, fighting fans will be getting a little…
This is Eric Jacobus. His workouts might be a little different from yours.
Tekken 7, previously announced for arcades in Japan, is coming to PS4, the folks at Bandai Namco said today during the PlayStation conference in Paris. No word on a release date yet, but there is a new trailer!
While Pokken may be a portmanteau word of “Pokémon” and “Tekken,” the actual game Pokkén Tournament is anything but…
Attending the annual fighting tournament as part of a graduation trip for son Thomas, actress Jamie Lee Curtis…
The announcement that a Pokémon/Tekken crossover game was coming took everyone by surprise. But don’t go into it…
In Summer Lesson, there’s studying, singing, and head shaking. Lots of head shaking.
Kazuya’s mom has got it going on, and by “it” I mean summoning tigers to beat up her husband. This is pretty much…
It shouldn’t really be a surprise that Yoshimitsu is in Tekken 7. What is a surprise is how he looks.
This is Josie Rizal. The recently revealed character is Tekken's first Filipino character. For some, she's not…
Anna Nilsson, from Swedish site Svampriket, has some ideas on what some of the "sexier" female fighting game…
Much footage of Pokkén dropped last night, all of it featuring intense battles between monsters that Pokémon fans…