WETA, the special effects team behind the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and District 9, have given Team Fortress 2…
WETA, the special effects team behind the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and District 9, have given Team Fortress 2…
While the church downstairs prepares to celebrate the Christmas season, Tripwire Interactive has been busy…
Valve is giving Steam users a new way to win video games—up to a hundred of them!—and even score some new headwear…
Valve is throwing on ongoing public beta test for Team Fortress 2, and everybody that owns the game is invited!
Do you have a certain someone in your life that owns an Apple Macintosh computer? And would you like to buy them…
Telltale Games' crazy crossover card game features three characters with established voices - Team Fortress 2's…
Later this month, Telltale Games—makers of Sam & Max and Penny Arcade video games—will release a new poker title…
Halloween has come to Team Fortress 2! And so has the game's first boss monster, the axe-wielding, jack o' lantern…
The recently launched "Mann-conomy" for Team Fortress 2 has quickly become a profitable venture for the community…
Those who own Team Fortress 2 can pick up an all-important hat - and a very useful skillet - free for use in that…
No longer will you have to endure hours of Team Fortress 2 play just to unlock the game's hidden weapons, defensive…
Last month, we showed you a brief glimpse of a little project James Benson was working on, bringing some smooth…
This is such a great idea I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing of it: it's a Team Fortress 2 mod where one…
It's a shame Lee Camara isn't making any more of these replica Team Fortress 2 weapons, because I would not just buy…
Meet the Heavy and ignore, for a minute his massive weight loss instead listening to his monologue about his gun,…
Whether you're seriously low on ammo or just want to make someone's life completely miserable, there's nothing quite…
The hilarious, universally acclaimed "Meet the Team" shorts for Team Fortress 2 are more than fan service or game…
The Knights of the Round Table song is one of the highlights of the film The Holy Grail. It's now also the…
Telltale, the team behind the new Sam & Max and Monkey Island series, have a new game on the way. One that's teasing…
To celebrate the launch of Worms Reloaded, Valve will be handing out the game's (well, Monty Python's) trademark…