Gamers work well in teams. We've slaughtered zombies, repelled rebels, routed RED (or BLU)—all with the help of our…

Valve's competition to find the best short films based on Team Fortress 2 is now closed, and the finalists have…
Unlike perhaps any game since the 16-bit era, Team Fortress 2 has a look that is almost timeless. To get characters…
Paradox Interactive drops a dollar's worth of downloadable content today with Magicka: Nippon, three…

This a nominee for "Best Replay" in Team Fortress 2's "Saxxy" Awards, designed to celebrate the game's new replay…
Street Fighter's Ryu and Team Fortress' Pyro face off in this epic mash up battle by Robert Kim. As they always say,…

Team Fortress 2 now has its own replay system, letting every user of the game (at least on PC and Mac) save and…
Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper is a work of art. So too is Team Fortress 2. In a way. So it's only natural to…
The makers of such acclaimed single-player video games as Portal and Half-Life 2 want all of their future games to…
With Portal 2 knocking Team Fortress 2 from the limelight this week, many people are probably wondering what the…
Team Fortress 2's recent "hatless" update may not have had any hats, but this week there is a new, single accessory:…
Valve has released a sizeable Team Fortress 2 update, and for once, it's not all about hats.

You think you've been waiting a long time for a new Half-Life game? You haven't, really. It's "only" been three…
To help the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Team Fortress 2 developers Valve had a little hat…
Hat enthusiasts get a minor but noteworthy new update for Team Fortress 2 today: the option to apply a flowing…
As of last Friday, April 1, Half-Life and Left 4 Dead developer Valve has been dropping cryptic clues in its own…
Last week, game developer and virtual hatter Valve put three new hats up for sale in Team Fortress 2, with the…

After the release of the Shogun Pack for Team Fortress 2—tied to the release of The Creative Assembly's Total War:…
Valve, the studio behind Team Fortress 2, is releasing three hats for purchase: The "Humanitarian's Hachimaki"…

When Team Fortress 2's mother-lovin' Spy meets teen pop anti-sensation Rebecca Black, nobody wins.