Valve's $100 Valentine's Day gag was actually taken up by a lot of people, who figured the money was well spent…
Team Fortress 2 developers Valve have put together "the most accurate simulation of an actual Valentine's Day gift…
There's a new item in Team Fortress 2 that the Scout can employ which plays music. Sounds pretty trivial, but man,…
Brazilian artist Will Murai has worked extensively in the video games, comics and advertising industries. But that's…
Should you ever feel the need to propose to that special someone in the middle of a game of Team Fortress 2, you can…
Done with that Zynga story? Thought that was all the economics you were getting today? Nope. While he's not…
I celebrate Australian Christmas with cold beer and barbecued meat. Valve, well, Valve celebrate it a little…
Prop builder Zander Brandt, whose awesome Mass Effect rifle we've featured previously, has for his next project done…
It shouldn't be hard to guess who it is, either. Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson was invited to play in Team…

The hosts of this video, HouseholdGamer, call this series of Skyrim tweaks a "Team Fortress 2" mode. I can see the…
If you'd like a free insane costume for the Heavy in Team Fortress 2, you have about two days to pick it up. It also…
In an old Mr. Bean episode titled "Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean", the titular hero gets his head lodged in a turkey.…
Team Fortress 2 is getting some updates for Halloween: Objects, items, hats, you know the deal. It's also, though,…
Iain Andrews' site Steam Postcards has long been my wallpaper supplier of choice. Why? Because he plays games and…
Well, not you specifically, "you" as in "people who don't work for Valve".
Has it already been a full year since Valve launched the Team Fortress 2 Mann Co. Store, the in-game shop in which…
Team Fortress 2 used to be about guns. Now it's all about hats. Fancy, ridiculous, elaborate hats. Ever wonder how…

Trendy Entertainment's tower defense action role-playing game Dungeon Defenders hits Steam next week, and Valve…
NECA, specialists in action figures and props based on video games, will be bringing out lines of figures based on…