The publisher of titles such as BioShock and Grand Theft Auto is opening up shop in Japan by establishing a Tokyo…
Strauss Zelnick may be adamant about not announcing the next Grand Theft Auto, but Dan Houser, in a lengthy…
While download games are certainly becoming more popular, Take-Two CEO Ben Feder doesn't think packaged games are…
PETA doesn't want you rushing to the store to pick up the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus game for the…
During yesterday's Take-Two Interactive third quarter 2009 fiscal report conference call, chairman Strauss Zelnick…
Struggling to stay afloat, Take-Two decided to ship Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with a sex scene in the game and…
Publisher Take-Two (and its little siblings 2K and Rockstar) have a big presence at Gamescom this year. Want to see…
Don't look now, but Rockstar's borderline mythical music title Beaterator is coming, it's coming this year, and it's…
With Gamescom just two weeks away, the recently transplanted show is heating up to outshine its already white hot…
Investor-written site Market Rap has gone all-out on Strauss Zelnick, boss of Take-Two, accusing him of lying,…
Console games don't sell across many parts of Asia. Too much piracy. But online games that milk you for…
Getting slightly sick of all this to-and-fro myself, but if you're still hanging on the development status of Duke…
Take-Two's lawsuit against Duke Nukem Forever maker Apogee/3DRealms has finally seen the light of day, with some…
Never mind that BioShock was a game that told its story through broken furniture and level design. Book publishers…
In an earnings call today, Take Two executives worked revenue drops, the word "Beaterator," a denial of a digital…
3D Realms never received any of the $12 million that Take-Two is suing the company for, 3D Reamls' co-founder Scott…
Allegations about elephant mistreatment do not appear to have shaken corporate support for an upcoming Wii Ringling…
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are at it again, shifting their sights from Cooking Mama to the…
Could Take-Two be giving 2K Boston back their unique identity? A trademark application for Irrational Boston seems…
The Houser brothers (and other top Rockstar personnel) are, no doubt, already rich. Filthy rich. But today it was…