Tireless Nintendo game chronicler MasterofHyrule started off creating a video of all of the enemies and items in Supe…
On September 13, 1985, Nintendo released Super Mario Bros. for the Family Computer (Famicom) in Japan. My first…
One of my favorite video game theories to emerge over the past few years is that Super Mario Bros. 3, with its…
Here, just in case you ever needed an unauthorised audiobook adaptation of the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie (via Attract Mode).
Mario is Raijin (雷神), the Japanese god of thunder and storms. Luigi is Fujin (風神), the Japanese god of wind. And…
I would have just wept openly for four minutes.
These can’t be a coincidence, right? Stop looking at me like that. I’m not crazy!
It’s called “Screentendo”. It’s a desktop application built by Aaron Randall, and it allows you to turn a selection…
“What the fuck is this place?!” Now that’s the sort of down-to-earth question a real plumber would ask when…
Nothing gets a Staturday night party going like every sound effect in the original Super Mario Bros. all at once.…
What deep insight can you glean from a classic video game within the first five seconds of pressing start?
That sounds like something a headline generator would come up with, but I promise you, this is a real thing that…
I've not come across a finer means of illustrating the origins of our Western work ethic than this video featuring…
Hope everyone enjoyed the debut of Worth Reading last Friday on Kotaku! Every week, I strive to bring you a…
You probably know the story behind Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels, otherwise known as the real Super Mario Bros. 2…
Well. This is one of the weirdest things we've heard in a long time.
MARIO (V.O.) (sullen): "You ever feel like you were out of joint with the world, Doc? Like you didn't fit?"
The third and final installment of Did You Know Gaming's Super Mario Easter Egg Hunt takes us from Super Mario 64…
Introduced today during Nintendo's Treehouse livestream, this is Speed Mario Bros., a hyperactive take on the…