What happens when a crazy Smuggler is joined by, a Jedi Consular, a Trooper, and a Sith Warrior in week two of Kotaku…
Massively multiplayer games come into the world as wriggly things full of writhing paths of possibility. Things…
Years and years ago, when the design team for what would become Star Wars: Old Republic was first sitting down to…
With the assumption that BioWare's new subscription-based massively multiplayer online Star Wars role-playing game…
It's hard to untangle whether it's a media creation or born of the competitive natures of gaming and business, but…

While the rest of Kotaku dedicated themselves to squeezing every ounce of gaming out of the world we live in last…
Now that Star Wars: The Old Republic has officially launched, the long queue times that players experienced at…
It's a popular if tired trope to cast the bankers, traders and other functionaries of the financial industry as big,…
When the RPG masters at BioWare team up with George Lucas' beloved science fiction franchise amazing things happen,…
For the record, there will be a "grace period," in which those currently playing Star Wars: The Old Republic may…
Queues lead to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering, as many now playing Star Wars: The Old Republic…
If you want to play a Star Wars massively-multiplayer online game with high-quality writing, lots of lightsabers and…
Can this month's Star Wars: The Old Republic fulfill years of development effort and hype? Can the new massively…
Upcoming Star Wars MMO Old Republic isn't even out yet. It's still in a beta. Yet over the Thanksgiving weekend in…
Looking for a little intergalactic conflict music? Every day leading up to the game's December 20 launch BioWare is…
Australia's classification board has received an application for an M-rated game entitled "Paper, Scissors, Stone,"…
Having done a lot of business with Lucasarts—Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, Star Wars: STFU—Activision boss Bobby…
This weekend I finally spent several uninterrupted hours in the heavy boots of one of Star Wars: The Old Republic's…
That's right; less than a month before the start of early access and I've finally made it into the beta test for Sta…