When Star Wars: The Old Republic launched last December across Europe and America, players on the other side of the…
The average player of the massively multiplayer game Star Wars: The Old Republic plays the game between four and six…
Commenter Kinecticdamage tries to shock massively multiplayer online game developers out of their World of…
You've seen the Star Wars: the Old Republic LEGO from Toy Fair, now see the Star Wars: the Old Republic action…
We saw a lot of Lego sets at the New York Toy Fair on Sunday. Sadly, Minecraft Legos did not make an appearance, but…
Not much, apparently, at least not in December. Blizzard CEO and co-founder Mike Morhaime was only able to give a…
Razer's sleek and stylish Blade gaming laptop is slowly making its way into the hands of customers ballsy enough to…
Riffing on the Family Research Council's outrage over same-sex NPC relationships in Star Wars: The Old Republic,…
Oh boy. The Family Research Council, acting in its role as wise counsel to all that goes into video games, hath…
The advocacy publication for disabled video game enthusiasts has named Star Wars: The Old Republic its Mainstream…
A fascinating report in the Los Angeles Times about Star Wars: The Old Republic ought to get some attention for…
Before Star Wars: The Old Republic's 1.1 patch went live early this morning, player-versus-player combat on the…
While dozens of video games have strived to capture the hearts of Star Wars fans through previously untold tales of…
During the beta test for BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic players with high-end PCs enjoyed stunning high…
When it comes to epic battles between fictional forces, I generally find myself siding with the good guys. If I were…
BioWare's new Star Wars MMO covers a lot of ground when it comes the pre-history of Luke Skywalker's universe. But,…
When BioWare delivered my copy of their latest game last month they used some rather novel packing material: Razer's…
With players dancing their way out of trouble in BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic, commenter Raso719 wonders…
It's too bad there's no option to just settle down and retire in BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic. After hours…
What happens when a crazy Smuggler is joined by, a Jedi Consular, a Trooper, and a Sith Warrior in week two of Kotaku…