While downloadable content for Star Wars: the Force Unleashed has mainly consisted of new costumes so far,…
When I spoke to Haden Blackman, executive producer of The Force Unleashed, last month about the upcoming new level…
THQ today announces that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is now available on mobile handsets the world over. This…
Over 1.5 million copies of Star Wars:TFU have been shifted since the game launched last week, making it the…
When LucasArts first announced Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the game where continuity is tussled in order to…
In many ways Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is more than just a game, it is a chance for George Lucas and the team…
If you weren't already aware that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was available at retail starting tomorrow,…
And here we were thinking people had lost interest in Star Wars games. And here you are, proving that even the most…
The Secret Apprentice, Maris Brood and Rahm Kota will be hanging out at the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed party…
Early reviews are in for Force Unleashed (the game), and at this (early!) stage things aren't looking as good as…
You may remember back in March, when EBGameStop announced a too good to be true buyback program of sorts for the…
Lucasarts rattled our mailbox this morning to let us know that, starting Thursday, you'll be able to download a demo…
Generally we get some sort of press release to go along with screenshots, but this just isn't one of those cases.…
Along with the cartoony yet curiously compelling Clone Wars and the innovative Fracture that is hovering at the…
Entertainment Weekly got their hands on a new Star Wars: The Force Unleashed trailer that delves into the story of…
Going in to my time with Star Wars The Force Unleashed, I figured the best the game could do was recapture the fun…
Unconfirmed, but word has it that LucasArts just axed the team responsible for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. If…
Shacknews is reporting, via "a reliable source," that once Star Wars: The Force Unleashed drops in mid-September,…
Yesterday it was revealed that Darth Vader's secret apprentice from the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed…
There are some touchy questions. Questions that might turn people curt. Questions that need to be asked. Questions…