In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Matt_Twombly ponders the advanced realism coming in games like Rockstar's…
In today's episode of the daily Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter BiggunSid talks about the trophies and achievements…
In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter EcksJay22 explores the negative connotations video game enthusiasts give…
Kotaku commenter Heyitsguy was once a video game pirate, downing PC games for free via the internet. Now he is not.…
Was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 a "silent rebellion" on the part of Infinity Ward, an early shot in the big Activ…
Colorfully named Kotaku commenter BubbleF**kingBuddy keeps it short and sweet in today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, asking…
Commenter Jopeter explores the joys of trying to balance gaming with a newborn baby in today's installment of…
Commenter Curly Haired Boy rages against retailer-exclusive bonus items in today's installment of Speak-Up on…
Do you suck at fighting games? So does Kotaku commenter Masterage, but he actually has a valid excuse. Feel free to…
The daily Speak-Up on Kotaku doesn't have to be an essay. Sometimes all it takes is a simple question. Commenter Rue…
Today in Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Floppy McWiggle wonders if keeping large amounts of video games around the…
In the first installment of the daily Speak-Up on Kotaku for the year 2011, commenter Murkurial wonders why game…
In the final daily Speak-Up on Kotaku of 2010, commenter RascalkingTK wonders if cheap bastards tarnish other…
He may switch a few words around, but what commenter DunnCarnage is basically saying in today's Speak-Up on Kotaku…
In today's installment of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Dracosummoner explores the controversial role of sex and…
In our first post-Christmas Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter TheolaRegulus keeps the mood festive by giving thanks to…
Do we need to be drawn into our games, or can we just play and enjoy? That's the question pondered by commenter RAMe…
Today's Speak-Up on Kotaku takes us way back to December 10, when commenter PatMan33 ponders whether it's okay to…
My pre-holiday vacation is over, and our daily Speak-Up on Kotaku returns! Today commenter Gaston explores the very…
Today's Speak Up contribution comes from reader Orionsaint001, who found that there are more amazing musicals to…