Kotaku commenter SuicidalEarthworm (don't do it!) feels that video games are handling difficulty wrong, getting…
In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, KillerIri5h notices a strong correlation between how much a player enjoys a game and…
Kotaku commenter Truthtellah was really excited about the 3DS. Now that Sony has outed it's Next Generation…
Kotaku commenter LordDisco's wife is pregnant with a bouncing baby boy, so he's on the lookout for interesting…
This morning on Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Wocalax ponders which is worse: Stealing video games or buying them…
In today's short but sweet episode of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter 100Tacks spends a dollar on a portable…
Why do we scream at each other? That's what commenter Manly McBeeferton wants to know in today's Speak-Up on…
Commenter Bipolar.Bear.Disorder is missing the good old days of World War II in today's installment of Speak-Up On…
Games like Red Dead Redemption and Fallout: New Vegas give players the freedom to explore unfamiliar worlds to…
THQ isn't ready for a new generation of consoles. Are gamers? That's the question commenter Jamaicanmecrazy ponders…
In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Matt_Twombly ponders the advanced realism coming in games like Rockstar's…
In today's episode of the daily Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter BiggunSid talks about the trophies and achievements…
In today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter EcksJay22 explores the negative connotations video game enthusiasts give…
Kotaku commenter Heyitsguy was once a video game pirate, downing PC games for free via the internet. Now he is not.…
Was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 a "silent rebellion" on the part of Infinity Ward, an early shot in the big Activ…
Colorfully named Kotaku commenter BubbleF**kingBuddy keeps it short and sweet in today's Speak-Up on Kotaku, asking…
Commenter Jopeter explores the joys of trying to balance gaming with a newborn baby in today's installment of…
Commenter Curly Haired Boy rages against retailer-exclusive bonus items in today's installment of Speak-Up on…
Do you suck at fighting games? So does Kotaku commenter Masterage, but he actually has a valid excuse. Feel free to…
The daily Speak-Up on Kotaku doesn't have to be an essay. Sometimes all it takes is a simple question. Commenter Rue…