Kenny, Kyle, Cartman, and Stan join forces to defeat Tenorman's Ginger Army in South Park: Tenorman's Revenge. How?…
From what we've heard of the upcoming South Park RPG, it's in good hands. From what we can now see of it in action,…
Given the paper cutout origins of South Park, it's no surprise that Obsidian's upcoming RPG South Park: The Game…
The news that KOTOR 2 and Fallout: New Vegas devs Obsidian are working on a South Park RPG seemed...odd. It's a…
After the surprise success of their Broadway musical The Book of Mormon, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt…
Eric Cartman's arch-nemesis returns to South Park to exact his revenge in the Xbox Live exclusive South Park:…
Microsoft has a two-game deal with Comedy Central for its South Park license, which implies that another Xbox Live…
Long before golfer Tiger Woods thought it'd be a good idea to go sticking his dick in anything with a hole and a…
Fresh from the vivisection they performed on EA Sports and Peter Moore (which Moore himself quoted on our Twitter…
South Park never goes harder than when it goes after hypocrisy, and tonight, its allegorical tale involved the…
The warehouses holding all of those Xbox Live Arcade titles are bursting at the seams, and MIcrosoft is making…
The episode of Comedy Central hit South Park in which Eric Cartman sings Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" on Rock Band…
Last night's episode of South Park featuring the boys playing Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" in Rock Band once again…
It's up to the South Park kids to stop a steady stream of enemies from terrorizing their town in tower defense game…
The Xbox 360 gets closer to closing its Tower Defense Gap with the PlayStation 3 in October, thanks to a South Park…
Earlier today, Microsoft finally offered some details on the South Park game for Xbox Live Arcade it announced at E3…
Microsoft announced at E3 that a new South Park game would be coming to Xbox Live Arcade this year, but waited until…
Microsoft announced at E3 2008 that a South Park game was coming to Xbox Live Arcade. We couldn't find it at E3 2009,…
Behold the glory of purposefully obvious fake product placement, as everyone's favorite obnoxious little fat-ass…
Click to view This has got to be a new record. Call of Duty: World at War has only been out for a week and it's…