Where Disney Infinity delivers a series of small self-contained stories and LEGO Dimensions is just getting started,…
Amiibo collectors who purchased a Skylanders Superchargers starter pack for the Wii U, Wii or 3DS solely to acquire…
Children’s console games have come a long way in recent years. Gone are the motion controlled mini-game bundles and…
The new Skylanders video game is pretty great, but what about the toys? Toy Time takes a quick look at the good and…
The latest entry in Activision’s annual toys-to-life video game franchise has that new car smell.
The fifth installment of the series that started the toys-and-games craze goes on sale tomorrow, which means stores…
Activision announces Skylanders Battlecast, a card battler for iOS and Android—basically mobile Skylanders with collectible cards instead of figurines, and Pokémon-style battles, either offline or online. There’s a trailer above, and the game itself should be out next year.
Activision revealed today that they’re adding online multiplayer to Skylanders: Superchargers. The game’s getting…
Dark Edition Skylanders starter packs and their exclusive toy variants have always vexed collectors, but the…
With attacks that spawn adorable skeletal bandmates and a ride that was once his coffin-shaped kids bed, Skylanders:…
Adding land, sea and air vehicles to the mix gives this fall’s Skylanders game an exciting new twist. More…
Tomorrow Skylanders: Trap Team introduces two completely new elements to Activision's wildly successful…
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it? The dark side... and the light... of Skylanders. Having teased…
In celebration of the launch of Skylanders: Trap Team, Activision planted hidden cameras all over a Toys'R'Us and…
It's that time of year again. Time to set aside last year's toys in favor of a shiny new batch of Skylanders: Trap…
Normally when a big-name video game releases a version on tablet devices, it's either a pared down version of the…
Remember back in 2012 when GameStop started allowing customers to trade in original Skylanders figures for store…
Hey kids, want the same exact toys in black and gold? The Toys'R'Us legendary Skylanders line continues with next…
Along with the normal and large-sized Skylanders toys, over the past year or so Activision and Toys For Bob have…
Not a side game, not a spin-off — the full console version of Skylanders: Trap Team will be available for Android,…