In case there was any doubt in your mind that EA's SimCity Social has it out for Zynga's pretender to the city…
In case there was any doubt in your mind that EA's SimCity Social has it out for Zynga's pretender to the city…
"Kate," Mike Fahey announced proudly to Kotaku's group chat, "I just made birds poop on your city."
EA's 2013 revival of SimCity will sport one of the more controversial features of modern PC gaming: an always-online…
The new SimCity, set for release on PC early next year, looks delightful.
Here's a new trailer for the upcoming simulation game, which EA will release next February for PC. Pretty, eh?
SimCity is slated for a release in February 2013, according to an email touting Electronic Arts' lineup at E3,…
We're living in something of a golden age of chiptune music. The last five or so years have seen a popularity…
If you're reading this, you probably wasted hours and hours of your youth on Simcity 2000. Chances are you also…
For everything right the SimCity series has done over the years, there's one thing I will never forgive them for:…
Every so often I'll be going back through classic video game music and a game will sound completely different than…
A few weeks ago, EA pulled a bait-and-switch at a press event in San Francisco. My fellow reporters and I were there…
Maxis and EA's upcoming SimCity game looks pretty cool, but Joystiq is reporting that the game will require an…
SimCity has always been a game that is viewed from two distances—up close and far away. You would start with the…
Here's a neat behind-the-scenes glimpse at Glassbox, the engine powering EA's upcoming SimCity, the fifth game in…
When EA first showed off the new SimCity, it didn't show a snip of gameplay footage. It was all idealised, stylish…
EA has already launched an Origin page for its new SimCity, revealing that those picking up the Digital Deluxe…
Sure, it was leaked all over the internet last week, but tonight at the Game Developers Conference, EA has made it…
There are so many "leaked" trailers that have survived multiple days on YouTube, it's hard to believe this isn't…
A set of seven leaked images assumed to be concept art for SimCity 5 have surfaced today, along with rumors…
If one didn't know better, it would be easy to think one-time presidential candidate Herman Cain is a gamer. His…