While there's trepidation amongst many gamers as to the potential for "proper" Facebook games, there's one series…
Sid Meier, the legendary creator of the Civilization franchise, has been tapped to deliver the opening keynote…
Christmas is a time for giving, yes, but it's also a time for receiving. Which is more important. And while we know…
I'm usually OK with soundtracks as long as they don't actively annoy me; of course, it's nice when they do…
For years we have kept Kotaku tower a closely guarded secret. However, today we revealed our rendition of it.…
The August '08 Blogs of the Round Table is up, with the subject being what positive lessons writers have learned…
I've been keeping my eye on the "Stephen M. Cabrinety Collection" blog, which is a blog corollary to part of…
Do we have too many strategists (or at least, strategy fans) in the game design kitchen? Chris Bateman seems to…
Sid Meier, how can you still be making games about colonization?
Sid Meier's not giving up on the Wii. In a recent interview with GameDaily, he said he and Firaxis think the Wii is…
Firaxis is currently at work on Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization, a standalone for Windows PC, Take-Two…
Does an entry in the Guinness World Records count as an award? If so, chalk up another one for Sid Meier, who has…