A couple of days ago, I felt like I was standing in a shark tank. Some time before that, Sony's head of PlayStation…
A couple of days ago, I felt like I was standing in a shark tank. Some time before that, Sony's head of PlayStation…
Dim the lights on that DualShock 4, baby, and let's set the mood. According to Sony exec Shuhei Yoshida, you won't be able to turn off the lightbar on the PS4's controller completely after a firmware update in the near future but you will be able to lower the brightness of the LED.
Let's see. The game is Destiny of Spirits: Asia. That's voice actress Kana Hanazawa. But she's voicing Tsukuyomi,…
We already knew he had one, but Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Computer Entertainment's Worldwide Studios,…
Gran Turismo 6 is coming to the PlayStation 3 on Friday, bringing with it the first real-money microtransactions in…
The Tokyo-based Japan Studio, responsible for PlayStation 2 classics such as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and the Ape…
The PlayStation 4's DualShock 4 controller will be compatible with PCs for "basic functions" without a driver,…
It's nearly 2 months until the official release of the PlayStation 4, Sony's upcoming big black box of dreams and…
Shuhei Yoshida is a busy man. Between running Sony's Worldwide Studios and sharing his hilarious, lovable thoughts o…
That time is quickly approaching. With the release of the PlayStation 4 set for late 2013, people are gearing up for…
Leaving no part of the E3 reporter's notebook unused, I've come upon some slightly old (two weeks!), slightly…
Sony's successful, if counter-intuitive next-gen message for the PlayStation 4 at last week's E3 is that things won't…
The video above was one of the biggest hits of this year's E3. It was a sharp, smiling jab at the Xbox One's…
For the past few days, passionate PlayStation fans have been waging a campaign to convince Sony not to restrict used…
Thought it was odd that Sony didn't show off the PS4 at... a PS4 reveal? Well, you're not alone! It was odd. But it…
You have (probably) not held a PS4 controller yet. Neither have I. But Shuhei Yoshida has. He's the head of Sony's…
Wondering what Fumito Ueda is up to these days? Even after leaving Sony, Ueda has apparently continued to work on…
This shouldn't come as a surprise. Folks at Sony own Nintendo game machines. They own the Xbox 360, too. And the…
PlayStation exec Shuhei Yoshida is busy playing with his new Wii U. If you have any words of advice, here's his Twitter.
Sony's Shuhei Yoshida won't commit to a 2013 release for The Last Guardian. How about 2014? 2015? 2016?!