Legendary game designer Warren Spector was talking at the DICE convention in Las Vegas today, but didn't want to…
At the DICE convention in Las Vegas, Ubisoft's Xavier Poix illustrates his talk about Ubisoft's creation of launch…
Portal is a natural theme for Valentine's Day, as we saw with these cards Valve released in 2011 before Portal 2's…
It's no secret I've stayed away from Kickstarter topics, as the whole thing by now strikes me as an Etsy for things…
As expected, Dave Murray of the always topical Tecmo Bowl gang just chimed in on the Manti Te'o fiasco.
Because he is made out of balloons, by Bruce Carr. And he looks like he is begging you to kill him.
Well, most of Team Kotaku, anyway!
Completing his cameo tour of the year's biggest games, this is Samuel L. Jackson appearing in what he calls "The…
Samuel L. Jackson, host of the 2012 Video Game Awards, is cameoing in some of the year's most noteworthy games. Here…
Just cause Jason Brody's vacation didn't go exactly according to plan doesn't mean he's not going to take advantage…
About a month ago I decided to finally play Max Payne 3, incidentally our "Best Drinking in a Dirty T-Shirt" GOTY.…
With tens of millions playing on Facebook and mobile phones, Zynga stalks the streets of New York City, hunting for…
This is how Pikachus are born. Don't let the pokéballs deceive you.
Alright, fine. So we got a new trailer not even two weeks ago. And then that trailer was recreated in GTA IV, but…
Assuming three lives per quarter, you can die 720 times in Dark Souls before you'd have to spend more than its…
I feel we haven't hit our weekly quota of Things Tina Likes, so here's a mash-up image of Adventure Time and Left 4…
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart digs up an old pun and applies it to the ongoing "Love Pentagon" fiasco. If they made a…
Duke University's student body is often stereotyped as carpet-bagging one-percent Yankees, and it's true that is a…
Uhhhhhh. Oh, boy. Either People magazine got some really bad information on Christina Aguilera's Halloween costume…