Dean Hall's popular zombie survival game is cruel and lonely. But the worst thing for many players is how much you…
All-new console. All-new Halo. And, according to this 343 Industries update, this is a look at an all-new slice of…
Poor Sub. I guess Mileena was only looking for Friendship.
Can you spot all the video game references? This nifty comic from artist Mario Zucca for Beutler Ink looks back at the year in pop culture. There's plenty of hidden and not-so-hidden game references in there; see if you can spot 'em all. Read more

YouTube's new comment moderation system sounds pretty neat, but it's really going to hinge on how people interact on…
Today on our Facebook page... Read more
Today on our Facebook page... Read more
Dead End Thrills has shared some very cool warped shots of BioShock Infinite by Joanne Harper. Check 'em out.
It's not really clear whether being gay in Rogue Legacy, the roguelike-like in which characters have randomly-generated traits, actually does anything. (Players and reviewers say it doesn't.) Either way, this GameFAQs screengrab (via Mike Henry) is too good not to share. Read more
Just when you’re expecting a satirically goofy take on what makes video games different from other forms of art, Cracked goes ahead and doles out a semi-serious, mostly on-point article about that very point. You’ll laugh but you’ll also nod in agreement, too.
A human. An android. Will they be friends? Foes? Who knows? My first thought after seeing this image from the…
By the time you read this, Wikipedia will probably change the article back—but for now, ha. I'd say "burn," but that would be redundant. (Proof it was real.) Read more
So, here's Nathan Fillion stabbing Link and stealing Zelda away. Because he is Nerd King.
This week at the Game Developers Conference iam8bit put together a great photo shoot opportunity for attendees where…
This botched-up bus advert was spied by Crystal Dynamics' Karl Stewart, the global brand director for the Tomb Raider…

Richard Garriott, aka Lord British, was carrying a backpack full of fascinating things, when he stopped by Kotaku's…
My friend John found this hanging in a first-grade classroom here in NYC. It's for the kids' writing workshop. I…
Everyone's familiar with the great video game burial of 1983, a disposal of Atari 2600 cartridges so bizarre it's…
The moody, gritty PC/PS3/Xbox 360 shooter Metro: Last Light was supposed to come out in early 2013, which is…