Can you spot all the video game references? This nifty comic from artist Mario Zucca for Beutler Ink looks back at the year in pop culture. There's plenty of hidden and not-so-hidden game references in there; see if you can spot 'em all. Read more

Dead End Thrills has shared some very cool warped shots of BioShock Infinite by Joanne Harper. Check 'em out.

It's not really clear whether being gay in Rogue Legacy, the roguelike-like in which characters have randomly-generated traits, actually does anything. (Players and reviewers say it doesn't.) Either way, this GameFAQs screengrab (via Mike Henry) is too good not to share. Read more

Just when you’re expecting a satirically goofy take on what makes video games different from other forms of art, Cracked goes ahead and doles out a semi-serious, mostly on-point article about that very point. You’ll laugh but you’ll also nod in agreement, too.
