Meet Valkyrie. It's a robot designed for NASA as part of a competition by the organisation's Johnson Space Center.…
This is called a Dynamic Shape Display. MIT built it, and it uses a Kinect sensor. In one of its applications,…
I never grew out of that childhood thing where giant vehicles are just the best. So when I saw images of this thing…
I don't know whether this tech is fascinating or truly horrifying. Probably a bit of both.
Not a question that may have ever kept you up at night, but it might now, when you consider how much more…
You might think 3D printers are only good for making your own bootleg action figures, but there's a far more…
American Tim Cannon is a "biohacker". That unsightly bulge on his arm there is where he stuck a giant computer chip…
I'm not sure what to make of this study, by researchers in Germany and Australia. On a literal level, RPG gamers are…
Military games that feature robotic combat drones are normally labelled as "futuristic", or "near future". Might…
It's the agonizing choice and neverending debate of a generation: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle? Picking one of…
If you want to find the computer geniuses of tomorrow, you could do worse than to check out which kids are playing M…
The Gameological Society had a simple idea: take the creatures, beasts and people from Scribblenauts and pit them…
If you recently watched Alfonso Cuaron's marvelous outer-space odyssey Gravity, you probably walked out of the…
Dee Faught is 17, and suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta, commonly known as "brittle bone disease". For years he's…
You might think Lord of the Rings' Elvish, Star Trek's Klingon and Game of Thrones' Dothraki are all just…
A pair of artists, in the name of a "social commentary" on video game violence, have decided to start playing Grand…
He's been trying to get this off the ground for years now, but last week PayPal founder Peter Thiel took one step…
Christian Thurau and Anders Drachen have written an academic paper. A very important one. It's all about the…
This is what it looks like when you shoot stuff at an old TV set (or a line of doomed eggs) at capture speeds up to…