Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who unexpectedly died at the age of 79 today, will be remembered as one of the…
I have two stand-out Election Day video game memories. One involves Fable II. The other involves a highlight of my…
California State Senator Leland Yee, who took his fight against violent video games all the way to the Supreme Court…
Justice Elena Kagan [back row, far right], whom Stephen Totilo said "did seem to get it" during oral arguments in Bro…
Now that the smoke has cleared and the video game industry stands triumphant over the state of California in the Sup…
I have not confirmed this, but I believe that you would not be allowed to keynote a climate change conference if you…
This morning the U.S. Supreme Court put to rest, perhaps finally, the debate over not only whether video games are…
Whether you agree with the Supreme Court's ruling against a California law against violent video games, today, you…
The Supreme Court sided with the video game industry today, declaring a victor in the six-year legal match between…
Monday will be a day that could radically change the status of video games in the United States. We're expecting the…
When the mainstream debate turns to violent video games, it's inevitable that someone will dredge up Postal. It's…
Is the solution to children playing violent video games bundling Family Game Night with a machine gun, a…
A Gallup survey conducted over the weekend finds that while Americans believe the greatest responsibility for…
This morning's Supreme Court hearing about video games was full of feisty exchanges about free speech and protecting…

Oral arguments were heard this morning in the Supreme Court case regarding California's violent video game law,…
The Supreme Court justices appeared highly skeptical of the State of California's arguments today that certain…
People started lining up at 5 a.m. today in front of the U.S. Supreme Court for a chance to hear arguments in a…
The United States Supreme Court building, Monday night. We'll be inside on Tuesday, covering the Court's first case…

The United States Supreme Court hears its first ever case about video games this week. The stakes are high. Here's…
This year marks the first anniversary of a Supreme Court fantasy league that a recent law school graduate from…